Tech Week 2019
On Friday 17th of May we celebrated Tech Day in our school. We showcased the variety of technology used in the teaching and learning in our school.
We had 9 stations in the hall, 2 scratch stations to show each class what the children had learned during the Scratch sessions with Joan Mc Cann of The Code Lab. We had 3 stations showcasing the work the classes did with Micro:Bits, these included a Harry Potter Sorting Hat which all staff and children alike had a great fun with. Conor and Jack from 5th Class were showing the children how to direct a robot around a maze which was a huge success. Junior Infants A & B showcased what they have learning using the Bee Bots to all the classes. Joan also had a circuit to demonstrate to the children using a banana and an orange. Some pupils from 6th class facilitated our IZAK9 from 2nd – 5th class.
Finally our day was wrapped up with presentations from 3 groups of children from 5th & 6th class whom entered the National Scratch Competition. Overall the day was a huge success and we can’t wait to next year!
Joan McCann of The Code Lab, with the pupils who participated in the National Scratch Competition (Needs to be caption under photo)
(Gallery needed here)