Jan/Feb 2019 Coding Lessons – Scratch and BBC Micro:bit
This term, the children in 2nd to 6th class completed 6 weeks of Scratch Coding lessons with Joan McCann from The Code Lab. Their interest and enthusiasm in new technologies has been fantastic. Check out each class page for details of what they covered during their 6 weeks of coding, and see some photos taken and projects created. Well Done to all the boys and girls in 2nd to 6th classes in St Francis NS.
In addition to Scratch coding, children in 4th, 5th and 6th classes learned how to code the BBC Micro:bit, a hand-held, programmable micro-computer that can be used for all sorts of cool creations, from robots to musical instruments, to wearable technology. The possibilities are endless.
Learn more about what the Micro:bit has to offer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w187N0QEfos
Parents, do you want to find out more about Scratch? https://scratch.mit.edu/parents/
Check out this short video showing some of the new features in Scratch 3.0: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ofHiea__hU
Scratch Coding Lessons – May/June 2018
Children from 2nd to 6th classes completed six weeks of Scratch coding lessons with Joan McCann from The Code Lab.
2nd class were introduced to the world of computer coding and Scratch, made an animation with moving characters and keyboard controls, and some on-screen art using Scratch.
3rd, 4th and 5th classes built on their Scratch knowledge from 2017, learned more coding concepts and created more complex projects, incorporating more maths and problem solving. They created a Scrolling Game, a Ping Pong Game and a Maze Game.
6th class were introduced to Scratch and computer science. They progressed from basic projects with moving characters and keyboard controls to creating a Game of Tip, on-screen art, and a Ping Pong Game.
Tech Week – April 2018
St Francis NS celebrated Tech Week 2018 with Joan McCann from The Code Lab. The children in 4th, 5th and 6th classes took part in a Computer Science Unplugged session, learning all about Algorithms, the Human Brain vs a Computer Processor, and they did a fun exercise called “The Jam Sandwich Algorithm”. Watch this video to see the children “coding” Joan The Robot to make a Jam Sandwich, the results were interesting, not sure if I’d eat these sandwiches!
Watch our “How to Make a Jam Sandwich” video below
Jan – April 2017 – Scratch Coding Lessons
We are thrilled to be able to offer Scratch computer coding lessons in school for pupils in 2nd, 3rd and 4th this year. The project is the brainchild of parent, Joan McCann, who has used her expertise and skills to devise a programme for each class tailored to the children’s age and skill level.
What is Scratch?
SCRATCH is a child-friendly computer coding language that allows children to create their own cartoons and games. Experimenting is hugely encouraged with SCRATCH, as it allows children to use skills such as problem solving, maths, science and art, in a fun environment. SCRATCH is a safe and educational tool, recognised by the Department of Education and Skills. SCRATCH isn’t confined to the classroom, it is readily available for children to use at home, and from a parent’s perspective, is a welcome alternative to computer Games and TV.
What is The Code Lab?
The Code Lab is a computer coding school for children, run by Joan McCann. Joan has a BSC in Computer Science, twelve years’ experience in the computer software industry and a passion for child friendly technology and coding. Joan has developed a range of in house training programmes for primary and secondary schools, organises coding workshops and even training the for teachers in coding.
For more information contact Joan McCann at The Code Lab on:
Tel: 086 815 9271 Email: thecodelabdundalk@gmail.com
Or click here for The Code Lab Facebook Page