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Our new activity for our 2019 Sports day – beach ball relay
Active Schools Week took place form the 10th to the 14th of June. Pupils enjoyed a variety of sports & activities throughout the week. Tracksuits replaced uniforms for students and teachers. Active Homework was given. As a school, we signed up for The Daily Mile programme (www.thedailymile.ie) to complete the Daily Mile Challenge. We also engaged with The Irish Heart Foundation who donated skipping ropes and a booklet of games and activities to complete our Skipathon. Pupils were encouraged to bring in €1 as sponsorship for The Irish Heart Foundation. A whole school donation will be made on behalf of all the pupils who brought in money for the charity. Project Homework based on famous Sports Persons/ Sporting traditions in other countries were completed in the run up to Active Schools Week.
An incredible amount of time and effort went into these projects which are proudly displayed in the PE Hall and on the corridors. Pupils in the younger classes brought in medals and trophy’s for Show & Tell.
The highlights form Active Schools Week included:
- On Monday (Move it Monday), all pupils from Infants to Sixth class took part in Tag Rugby and engaged in different drills and activities. Kevin from Leinster Rugby kindly offered the coaching sessions. Great fun was had by all. Other activities pupils engaged in on Monday included the start of our Skipathon in which The Irish Heart Foundation provided skipping ropes and a booklet of games and activities and the Daily Mile Challenge.
Try it Tuesday, involved Dancing with Casandra for Junior Infants up to Fourth classes. Pupils enjoyed Karate with Tommy and Amy from IWKA for Junior Infants, Senior Infants, first & Sixth classes. Our Skipathon and Daily Mile Challenge also continued. - On Wow Wednesday, pupils from Junior Infants to First Class engaged in exercises and games with Jane & Kate from Me Time Fitness, Drogheda.
Karate continued for Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth classes.
Our Sixth Class Girls played a Basketball Blitz. Our Girls played incredibly well. They beat CBS, St. Fursey’s and St Joseph’s and made it through to the semi-finals.
All classes continued the Daily Mile Challenge and Skipathon. - Triathlon Thursday saw some pupils from Fourth and Fifth class complete a triathlon today which involved a Run, Swim and Cycle.
Ms Lundy and Pat from Cúchlainn Cycling Club took pupils from Fourth, Fifth and Sixth classes safely around Blackrock and spoke to pupils about Road Safety.
Pupils also ‘Blinged their Bikes’ for National Bike Week and made a huge effort to cycle to school today.
Pupils from First to Third classes had FitKids with Niall Tether. They engaged in a variety of games and exercises and had loads of fun.
All classes continued the Daily Mile Challenge and Skipathon. - Feel Good Friday saw our whole school Sports Day. Pupils engaged in a variety of activities and events including Egg & Spoon, Sack Race, Orienteering, Beach Ball Relay, 3Legged Race and many more. Even though it rained the pupils still thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Here is our Sports Day 2019 Timetable
Here is a snapshot of some of the activities which took place throughout our Active Schools Week
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