Our school uniform consists of:
Red jumper (round or V neck) or cardigan.
- White polo shirt
- Navy tracksuit bottoms (no logos please), trousers or skirt
- Red or navy tights (for girls).
The red jumper bearing the school crest is available from McEvoy’s and Michael Lynch, Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk.
The white polo shirt and navy bottoms may be purchased anywhere.
School crests to iron/sew on to plain red jumpers are available for purchase from the school office – price €4 (or 3 for €10)
Alternatively, the crest can be embroidered onto a plain red jumper in the Print and Design Shop on Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk (beside McEvoy’s) at approx. cost of €6.

Footwear: No slip-on shoes or Ugg-style boots. We recommend laces, straps or velcro for safety reasons and to facilitate getting them on or off.
P.E. Uniform– as above, with tracksuit bottoms & runners.
PLEASE label all your child’s belongings – uniform, lunch –box, jumpers, coats etc.
Once or twice a year we hold a uniform swap day where parents can bring in outgrown items of uniform and replace them. If you have an old uniform that your child has grown out of, or they are moving on to a new school or secondary, we would be delighted to receive it as a donation. If you then need to get a new uniform, you may be first to come along to pick one from the donations! If you are new to the school, you may also come along and pick up from the donations! No money is involved. If you have nothing to donate, you may still come along and avail of the service! Everyone is welcome. We hope that this will continue for many years and help make ‘back to school’ that little bit easier!
The rules are simple:
- All clothes must be clean (freshly washed)
- Free from tears
- Free from missing buttons
- Free from permanent stains.