Pupils’ News

Grandparents Day 2025

  On Wednesday 22nd February we will celebrate Grandparent's Day at St Francis NS. Grandparents will be remembered and celebrated in every class throughout the school.  Grandparents of pupils in Senior Infants and 2nd classes are invited to join their grandchild in the classroom for the morning!  

2025-01-21T14:18:38+00:00Categories: Pupils' News|Tags: |

6th Class CPR Training

On the 24th September, St. Francis 6th Classes had the invaluable opportunity to learn the life saving skill of CPR by the Blackrock and Haggardstown defibrillator group.  As we were learning compressions, we were having an educational experience performing with mannequins. In addition to that, we also learnt the procedure for when an adult, child, or pregnant person is ...

2024-09-26T12:16:23+01:00Categories: Pupils' News|

Ruby’s Gaelic Trophy

Victory! I won a trophy for player of the week because I was a good listener.  I was a team player and I scored 4 times.  It was Gaelic for the Joes and my coach is called Declan.  He's a good coach and I’m grateful for getting player of the week.  Thank you so much Decky! -Ruby, 3B ...

2024-05-13T09:25:06+01:00Categories: Pupils' News|

Ardee Chess Tournament

Special congratulations to Rordan and Nazar from 6th and Daniel from 5th for winning all six of their matches! Our Chess Tournament In the morning the three chess teams were waiting for the bus to arrive.  The chess teams got on the bus and picked up St. Oliver’s students and drove to Ardee.  We all went inside and there ...

2024-04-02T11:40:37+01:00Categories: Pupils' News|

Leinster Minor Schools Gala

Congratulations to our swimming champions! On Sunday Cian, Robert and Matthew woke up early to go to the Leinster Minor Schools gala.  The first stroke was freestyle.  Cian got 42.3 sec, Robert got 48.21 and Mathew got disqualified.  Next was breaststroke.  Cian got 56.12. Robert got 1 m 2 sec and Matthew got 59.3 and the last stroke ...

2024-03-06T17:27:27+00:00Categories: Pupils' News|

Swimming Gala

On sunday I woke up at 6am to go to the Leinster Minor Schools gala.  The first event was freestyle.  I got a time of 42.13 and I got 6th out of 30.  Then breaststroke was next.  I got 46.2 and I came 4th out of 30.  After that I had the backstroke.  I got 41.1.  I won!!!!!  1st ...

2024-03-06T17:27:32+00:00Categories: Pupils' News|

Chess Tournament

Chess Club Yesterday St Olivers’s chess team came to our school so both teams could practice for the tournament.  Sadly St Olivers did not have enough players so I played against Liam, Conor and Cian.  I did not win but I came close and had such a good time.  There was so many chess boards and so many ...

2024-03-06T17:27:39+00:00Categories: Pupils' News|