School News

Christmas Annuals 2023

Order forms are being sent home this week for the Christmas Annuals Priced at just €3.00 each they are excellent value for money and make great stocking fillers and gifts. All annuals are full colour, A4 size and packed with educational articles and activities including: Classic activities to keep you busy no matter your mood, from matching games ...

2024-03-08T11:44:24+00:00Categories: School News|

Crosscause Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Every year St Francis NS families generously support the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal.  This year, the school has decided to do the Shoebox Appeal with local Blackrock charity, Crosscause, run by Conor Hughes. Crosscause's Christmas Shoebox Appeal is a campaign that delivers gifts straight into the hands of orphans, children with disabilities and children fleeing the war ...

2024-03-08T11:44:30+00:00Categories: School News|

Prize Day 2023

On Tuesday 26th June we held our Prize Day Assembly in the school hall, led by Mrs Lawless. Below is a list of all the prize winners. Class Teacher Awards (certificate for each pupil) Síológa A Aoibhe Arijus Ember Hazel Tyler Oliver Síológa B Israel James Jack Jasmin Adam Tom Junior Infants A Leo Dixon:  Most improved Teagan: For being ...

2023-10-18T10:42:37+01:00Categories: School News|Tags: |

Proud of our Chess Teams!

Today was a fantastic day for our Chess teams.  The Chess Kings came 3rd in the Buds' tournament and were delighted to win bronze medals.  Chequered were 3rd in the Masters' tournament until the very end but were beaten by a mere half a point! 18 Teams from 4 counties were all selected because they excelled in the previous tournament ...

2024-03-08T11:50:56+00:00Categories: School News|

Reconfiguration of Patronage Survey

Reconfiguration of Patronage Survey The following is the result of our whole school survey on reconfiguration which was completed before the mid-term break. The Board of Management agree that St. Francis NS is not open to being involved in the Reconfiguration of Patronage Pilot Initiative at this time. Result: 53.2% - remain under Catholic Patronage 46.8%  - consider change For more ...

Winter / Christmas Annuals 2022

Order forms are being sent home this week for the Christmas/Winter Annuals Priced at just €3.00 each they are excellent value for money and make great stocking fillers and gifts. All annuals are full colour, A4 size and packed with educational articles and activities including: Classic activities to keep you busy no matter your mood, from matching games and ...

2024-03-08T11:51:48+00:00Categories: School News|

Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2022

Team Hope’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal is an annual campaign that delivers gifts straight into the hands of children affected by poverty.  Often these shoebox gifts are the only gift that a child will receive at Christmas and the joy that they bring is incredible.  Since 2010, with your help, we have delivered over 2.1 million ...

2024-03-08T11:51:56+00:00Categories: School News|