Chess Club
Yesterday St Olivers’s chess team came to our school so both teams could practice for the tournament. Sadly St Olivers did not have enough players so I played against Liam, Conor and Cian. I did not win but I came close and had such a good time. There was so many chess boards and so many people. It was so fun. St Francis won, we were very happy when our teacher told us this morning. Plus at the end we got crisps!!!
– Rebecca from 3B
I was excited for the chess tournament yesterday. The chess teams walked into the hall. After that we got to sit at tables. The tables had chess boards on them. There were three rows of tables and chess boards, some big and small. It was fun.
– Liam from 3B
On the 18th of January the three chess teams of St. Francis had a great and enjoyable time playing the great chess players of St. Olivers Plunkett to train hard for the next proper chess tournament in Ardee. It was a very unpredictable tournament as both schools were great at chess but best of all everyone had tons of fun. Both sides learned from each other through playing chess, this shows that chess can bring people together.
– Zane, Alex, Patrick and Sebastian 3B (shared piece)